
每十年, 根据宪法的规定, 美国计算其境内的每一个居民. 人口统计用于确定每个州在美国的席位数量.S. 众议院, 划分州立法区, 并将数十亿美元的联邦资金分配给当地社区. REALTORS® can play an important role in making sure the 2020 人口普查 accurately counts Texans.

“人口普查对我们业务的影响比其他任何业务都大,沙德·博加尼说, 他是德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®的前任主席和合伙人专家.S. 人口普查局致力于提高人们对2020年人口普查的认识. “不管你是兼职经纪人, 专职代理, 或代理, 你应该让社区里的每个人都参与进来.”




第一条, Section 2 of the Constitution requires a head count every 10 years of all residents of the United States.




这是第一次,表格可以在网上填写. 也可以通过电话或邮件回复.


Census data is widely used by local, 状态, and federal 政府ernments and private businesses. Three important ways the data is used are determining how many legislators each 状态 has in the U.S. 众议院, 划分州立法区, 每年向部落分配超过6750亿美元的联邦资金, 状态, 地方政府.


除了 to affecting who represents you in 政府ernment and money your community receives, 人口普查 data is used to determine what areas are eligible for housing assistance and rehabilitation loans, 预测未来交通需求, and assisting with emergency response programs to name just a few ways it impacts your clients and industry.


是的. The Census Bureau is required by law to keep all individual responses confidential for 72 years.

An accurate count of Texans would help ensure the 状态 is properly represented at the national level and receives the federal funding it’s due. More than 300 federal spending programs rely on data derived from the 人口普查 to guide the distribution of dollars to 状态s, 县, 城市, 和家庭. Texas received nearly $60 billion in fiscal year 2016 from just 55 large federal spending programs that are guided by data from the 2010 人口普查, 根据乔治华盛顿大学的“数钱计划”, a program that studies the connection between the 人口普查 and the distribution of federal funds.

“The biggest part of the 人口普查 is the funding it brings to the 状态 of Texas,Bogany说. “我们应该希望我们的钱回到国家.”

来自2020年人口普查的数据将有助于确定学校的资金, 住房援助和贷款项目, 基础设施项目, 交通补贴, 能源援助, 灾难援助, and employment assistance to name just a few ways the real e状态 industry will be affected. Private companies—such as developers and large employers or businesses like retail chains, 杂货店, and franchises—also rely on 人口普查 data to decide where to locate and make forecasts that guide their investment decisions.

The Census Bureau estimates that it undercounted Texans by about 239,500 residents in 2010. About two thirds of the 状态’s population lives in 人口普查 tracts where the low response score—the likelihood someone will not respond to the 人口普查—is above average. And the Census Bureau estimates that the population of Texas has grown by more than 14% from the 2010 人口普查 to 2018, 哪个是最近的估计.

如果该州的人口在2020年被低估, 德州可能会损失数十亿美元的资金, 以及推动选区重新划分的数据, 重要的政府服务, 私人经济发展的决策将是错误的. 一些估计表明,德克萨斯州将增加三个国会席位, 但不完整的统计可能会危及这种可能性.



There are a number of ways REALTORS® can reach out to their sphere to spread the word about the importance of the 2020 人口普查. 如果你正在寻找参与其中的方法,从这里开始:

  • 加入或开始一个完整的计数委员会. 欲知详情,请浏览 人口普查.政府.
  • 联系您当地的REALTOR®协会,并自愿帮助2020年人口普查工作.
  • 向现在和以前的客户了解人口普查.
  • 在社区活动中讲述人口普查的重要性.
  • 在你工作的地区强调hoa给当地带来的好处.
  • Add information about the importance of the 人口普查 and how to respond to your website or social media channels.

访问 texasreale状态.com/2020人口普查 有关人口普查的信息,请链接如何参与,以及更多.

“我们的角色是让人们了解人口普查,”Bogany说. 然后让他们填写调查问卷.”

The 2020 人口普查 form will include 10 or 11 questions and should take about 10 minutes to complete. 每个家庭都将收到一份通过邮件填写问卷的邀请, 电话, 或者第一次上网. 表格将提供英文和西班牙文两种邮寄版本, 许多不同的语言将在网上提供. 有需要的人也可以选择面对面的面试. 所有的个人普查回答在72年内都是保密的.

德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®和NAR是美国2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会的官方合作伙伴.S. 帮助推动2020年人口普查的参与. 除了, many individual REALTORS® and local boards have volunteered to raise awareness of the 2020 人口普查 and encourage members of their communities to respond. 例如, 科林县2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会® produced public service announcement videos with members of the association promoting the 2020 人口普查 in a number of different languages.

One of the prominent ways to get involved in promoting the 2020 人口普查 is to join or form a Complete Count Committee. These are volunteer groups that spread the word in their own communities about the importance of the 人口普查, 和资源和培训,以帮助完成计数委员会的成员. 委员会可以计划启动活动和集会, 与其他组织合作, 主持或支持其他活动, Bogany说. REALTOR® leaders and staff across the 状态 have become involved in Complete Count 委员会.

他说:“这是一个小团队帮助我们完成大任务的过程。. “They have local knowledge and can help us promote the 人口普查 through targeted outreach efforts.”

Bogany曾在当地2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会发表演讲, 其他行业团体, and local meetings about the importance of the 2020 人口普查 and why a complete count is vital to the real e状态 industry and communities.

“Texas is one of the few 状态s that decided not to have an organized effort to be counted,Bogany说. “这就把它留给我们这些依靠准确人口统计的专业人士了.”

Texas failed to pass any measure in the past legislative session allocating funds or establishing a 状态wide effort to ensure an accurate count. 相比之下,加州将在2020年的人口普查上花费1.54亿美元.

“如果德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®正在设定基调, 这带来了其他企业,他们意识到自己也从中受益,Bogany说. “我们在我们的社区和这个州有地位,这是一个很好的事业.”