96% of Texas REALTORS® read this magazine, according to a survey of 1,217 members in July. Two-thirds of respondents said they read more than half of each issue, while 22% indicated that they read only specific articles that interest them. Members provided 1,625 suggestions for future magazine topics, and magazine editors read and categorized every one of them. Editors also read the nearly 300 open-ended comments about how Texas REALTOR® magazine can be more valuable as a communications resource. Here are other results:

98% consider the magazine a trustworthy source of information
96% find the design easy to read
90% say the magazine is relevant in their day-to-day work

54% rate Texas REALTOR® higher than other real estate publications
3% say it is not as good as other real estate publications

Highest-rated topics
Real estate market trends
Business tips

56% shared or discussed an article with a colleague
50% shared information from an article with a client
22% shared an article or its topic on social media