How you describe and characterize a property can impact sales price, 上市时间, and the probability of a sale during a given marketing period, 根据《2021十大正规彩票app》杂志的一项研究住房研究杂志. Set your listing up for success by employing these tips.


Use the listing description to explain anything that may not be obvious from just looking at the photos. 例如, if the layout of the home isn’t immediately obvious or a unique feature is easy to miss, highlight those details in the description.


Spellcheck often misses words that are spelled correctly but mistakenly used, such as 的9英尺密封 而不是 的9英尺的天花板. Have someone else proofread your descriptions or find a spelling and grammar tool that checks for mistaken words and homophones.

Avoid abbreviations and jargon

The description will follow your listing wherever it’s syndicated, and with more homebuyers starting their searches online, you should avoid terms that may be unfamiliar to consumers.


Strike a balance between including helpful details and writing too much. 当有疑问时, stick to information that broadens the pool of potential buyers, such as accurate descriptions rather than opinions about features.


Listings that are written in all caps or employ caps for emphasis can be difficult to read.